Today was the first day... the first day for EVERYTHING!!! Katie started school today as a 3rd grader and Kassie is no longer a baby... she started 1st grade, making her a full fledged elementary student. Now, I should have been rejoicing that both kiddos were in school full time (I actually had mixed feelings about this), but that was not an option... no time to stand still...
After all the school supplies were separated, and hugs and kisses given, it was time to leave them be in the loving care of their teachers. So I went to Starbucks with some other moms to catch up on their summer antics and to compare their 1st impressions they gave their teachers... one mom introduced herself and was the eager volunteer... another said to the teacher "oh and by the way there is a restraining order..." myself, well first thing out of my mouth was to ask about taking Kassie out of school every Monday at 2pm for the next 10 weeks for Occupational Therapy for her extreme picky eating... and yes, I do understand that EVERYTHING that is done in the classroom is important and done for a reason... great first impression...
The kids going back to school also marked a recommitment to myself... I got myself to the gym and then to Weight Watchers... where I was super glad that I only gained 3.8 lbs over the last 4 weeks which included my 2 week vacation to the East Coast where I dined on Whoopie Pies and Lobster and Clam rolls, Lobster mac-n-cheese and the like... yumm...
Tonight was also the first night of the 2011-12 AWANA year. As Director of Cubbies, I had a lot of loose ends to tie up and a classroom that needed to get organized. I spent 2 hours taking care of business at the church. Nervious about volunteers, God provided the leaders that we needed. I now have to sit down to see where we stand in our ratios... and start working on grouping and name tags...
I am home now, and the kids are asleep from their busy day, I am reflecting on the fact that tonight I am just plain tired and it feels super good to put my feet up and relax... but really I managed to get through the day with out flipping out and stressing too badly... God is good!!!!
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